Delysium DMA – Purchase Guide on PC

Delysium official website :

DMA Purchase link :

You can use MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, imToken, or tokenPocket wallet to connect with our website and purchase DMA.


1. You can SIGN IN on the Delysium official website

2. Choose one of the following options to SIGN IN or SIGN UP

  • Sign in with email: Input your email account and password. Then click Sign in

  • Sign in with wallet: Select MetaMask or Coinbase to connect the wallet

    1. MetaMask:

      1. Connect with your MetaMask via Chrome extension

    2. Coinbase:

      1. Connect with your Coinbase via Chrome extension

      2. Connecting your Ledger device to Coinbase Wallet. Sign the message on your Ledger device to connect with Coinbase Wallet.

      3. Scan the QR code below to connect the wallet through the mobile app Coinbase Wallet

  • Sign in with Discord: Sign in with discord authorization page

3. You can view DMA information on Delysium's official website.

2. Click the BUY DMA button to purchase DMA on DMA purchase page.

How to purchase DMA

1. Click the BUY DMA button to purchase DMA

(see the information about how to 'Sign in' above)

2. Once logged in Delysium account, click the BUY NOW button to purchase DMA.

3. On the check out window, you need to:

3.1 Enter and submit an eligible Referral Code (Please attention that your referral code cannot be changed after submission)

3.2 Select the quantity of DMA

3.3 Confirm and check out agreements

4. Once the above information is filled out, please select the wallet of your choice: 'MetaMask' or 'Coinbase' or 'WalletConnect' to connect the wallet.

Please make sure to change your network to 'Ethereum Mainnet' before purchasing.

Then you can sign your wallet and confirm the transaction.

  • MetaMask:

    1. Connect with your MetaMask via Chrome extension

  • Coinbase:

    1. Connect with your Coinbase via Chrome extension

    2. Connecting your Ledger device to Coinbase Wallet. Sign the message on your Ledger device to connect with Coinbase Wallet.

    3. Scan the QR code below to connect the wallet through the mobile app Coinbase Wallet

  • WalletConnect:

    1. Connect to the wallet by scanning the QR code via the mobile APP ImToken

    2. Connect to the wallet by scanning the QR code via the mobile APP tokenPocket

5. You will receive the "Purchase Success" notification once the transaction is approved. It may take a few minutes to confirm the on-chain transaction.

How to check your DMA

1. You can check your DMA on DMA Dashboard.

2. Your DMA and corresponding rewards will be displayed on the DMA dashboard.

How to get referral rewards

1. You will get your own referral code once you purchased DMA. You can view it on your DMA dashboard.

2. You will get referral rewards by inviting others to purchase DMA through your referral code.

3. To invite others, you can click the invite button on the dashboard.

4. You can choose to download your referral card to share or you can share it on Twitter.

5. For more information regarding Loyalty Score, please refer to Delysium Loyalty Program.

Last updated