Governance Programs - Ethical AI Through Decentralized Governance

Every stakeholder has a voice in shaping the network's policies, standards, and future direction. This democratic approach ensures transparency, fairness, and collective ownership of the platform's evolution.

Community Voting

A decentralized mechanism allowing participants to propose and vote on platform enhancements, policy changes, and other critical decisions. Besides the aforementioned, the wider Delysium community plays a role in the network's self-regulation. Members can raise concerns, report suspicious agent activities, and participate in discussions about agent behavior. (Read more: Agent-ID - Conditional Access & Agent Identification)

Security Councils

Specialized groups or committees focusing on specific aspects of the platform, ensuring expert oversight and guidance. These are groups or committees comprising experts from various domains, including AI, blockchain, cybersecurity, and ethics. Each council focuses on a specific aspect of the platform, ensuring that it adheres to the highest standards of security, functionality, and ethical considerations.

The role of these councils is multifaceted. They provide oversight, ensuring that the platform's operations align with its stated objectives and principles. They also offer guidance, helping navigate complex challenges and ensuring that decisions are informed by expert insights. Furthermore, these councils act as a bridge between the Delysium team and the community. They gather feedback, address concerns, and ensure that the platform's evolution is in line with the expectations and needs of its users. By having such dedicated groups, Delysium ensures that every facet of its platform is under the watchful eyes of experts, guaranteeing robustness, security, and continuous improvement.

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